Based on the Disney animated sequel, 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure follows the journey of Patch, a puppy who feels like he doesn’t stand out among his siblings.
After getting separated from his family during their move, Patch meets his TV idol, Thunderbolt, and gets the chance to become a real hero. Together, they set out to stop the villainous Cruella de Vil, who has once again devised a wicked scheme involving stolen dalmatian puppies.
The game offers a mix of platforming and puzzle-solving elements. Players guide Patch through vibrant London streets, countryside locations, and other iconic settings from the movie.
Each level is filled with obstacles, collectibles, and enemies to outwit. Tasks include jumping across platforms, finding hidden items, rescuing puppies, and completing Thunderbolt-inspired heroic challenges. The game combines exploration with family-friendly action, making it engaging for players of all ages.
- Patch: The brave and resourceful protagonist who dreams of becoming a hero.
- Thunderbolt: Patch's TV idol, who initially teams up with Patch for selfish reasons but grows into a true friend.
- Cruella de Vil: The relentless villain, determined to capture the dalmatian puppies for her wicked plans.
- Supporting Characters: Other familiar faces from the 101 Dalmatians series, including Patch’s family and side characters like Lightning, who plays a pivotal role in the story.
101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure is a charming game that combines the heartwarming story of self-discovery with fun, accessible gameplay. Fans of the movie and Disney classics will enjoy exploring Patch’s journey while experiencing nostalgic visuals and engaging mechanics. Whether you’re a young gamer or simply a fan of the franchise, this game offers a delightful adventure!